How To Build G2 Version Smok TF-RTA

well, yesterday we discuss how to build G4 version TF-RTA,

today let’s study how to build G2 version smok TF-RTA.

a little different to build G2 deck or G4 deck.

1.the same, you need to ensure your hands are clean.

2.taking G2 deck apart.


3. install the pre-built coils, insert one end of the coil into the left-side holes,

and the other end into the right-side holes.

4. positioning and cutting the exceeding ends of wire off, make sure the coil

fixed and lined up with the air hole, make sure the coil is not touching the deck,

then cut the exceeding ends of wire off.


5.cut a strip of cotton and make sure it’s just larger than the coil you built.

6.insert the cotton, place it in the middle of the deck.


7. cut the wick at an angle and make sure it’s not too short and not too long.

8. wet the coil with e juice and adjust the wick position.

notice: before installing the pre-built coils, users must check the resistance of coils,

and ensure your device support it.that’s very important.